Monday, December 26, 2005


What is the language the angels speak to Christ today
To glorify His High Bed in the Heptarchy of Heaven?

Do they heft like all the blanket with the Sigillum Dei Aemeth? Or do they also simply give and have gifts? Whhat is the Enochian Language ? The creation of notions were sonme paralleled phenomena together with the developtment of the jewish people as it has been seen from the structure and lexical units of the language. .. I say and I am heard.. and interaction ... some required language..

Enochian alphabet received by John Dee and Edward Kelley on March 26,1583

Tuesday, December 06, 2005



The time has come
The Mother is dead
The Bride comes
I hear a voice
Rising from the immemorial past
In the depths of my ground
By the light of the future
It calls me
And has always called me!
The thrilling of my being
Rends the veil of my fear!
The veil of time woven by my clumsiness,
For nothing that has been has not yet been lived
Till now I have born only the non-living
My flesh multiplied in the immensity of the darkness
Has not even begat me.
Make me blaze out, you who are in me
O primordial element of Nature,
Inviolable centre of things
Absolute void of fullness
The substance of essence
Make me go forth, outside,
Towards myself

Because with illimitable desire aflame
I am Hheva
The Bride of all living beings.

The Book of Eve by Carlo Suares