Wednesday, December 16, 2009

making christmas presents

My wise mediums in a world of Christmas are three pretty things: writing poems, forgiveness, and pine needles.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


“The Dolls’, the film by Takeshi Kitano, perhaps is my favourite Japanese film. Red and White Seasons of rope, of love - which is either beautiful, or cruel. Or both.

I sought for the way out of this mirror realm,
touching things, later their shadows
and saying farewell to the north and the south.

My peace is yours, oh Lord.
Though I have no peace.

Yo Sakura

The more I trust to God, the more I am surprised…. There’s a deep mystery teeming in all around us indeed… Just a few precious books of Chinese and Japanese poetry on the shelves. I love Wang Wei, Basho, Issa, Li Bai, Du Fu, Kanze Motokiyo, Buson - they all have been for a long time as a rainbow apple of my eye. Though my yo zakura… mostly sinks in endurance, there’s a shimmering light within wet branches…

And Wang Wei, playing musical instruments before moon!

"Sitting alone, in the hush of the bamboo;
I thrum my zither, and whistle lingering notes.
In the secrecy of the wood, no one can hear;
Only the clear moon, comes to shine on me."

Monday, March 03, 2008


In the course of your life the sighing butterfly leads you to the
Garden, where children are playing. Are they God's? I believe they are.

At the moment of death you do not remember Aphrodite,
We remember the letters of G and O.
The distance from one god to another one is
Mere One Living One.

Does He bring the silver plate with grapes and apples on it
To your bed balancing accounts?
The dearest gifts from the sea-goddess?

With bated breath we lie in wait for but
Who will come? Clinging for images – one, another -
One hope - HE is not an image and He is coming like a Person.

Blood and bread. Your breath that will be caught in the transmission,
Will speak for all your myths – spiritual and physics - just
Don’t look into the eyes of Death with long-long hair of the curling promises.

Hold carefully your ancient vase of life, and keep it lovingly for
Its yours forever.

Unless, of course, you do prefer the images.
In ancient times the images were reigning in a ball,
The God came here to be born, to save all living fairytale nature.

To Life through Life. Genesis

In water on that day He saw all fairy tales mournings,
And their howl to be revealed, to be fulfilled with Him -
He was the only hope of all myths.

And Fairy became the Truth. Do you believe? I do.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Avenue of limes

I think now this poem is wet by never-ending influence of Ivan Bunin’s lyrics in my life: this sensation of gentle breathing and avenues of limes...


I am walking along the garden with sails
Embedded in sky so blue – they thought it was the sea.

The Church of St Mary Magdalena – lime alley under the sun clock,
Leaves are chirring under the feet like dry souls of five o’clock teacups.

Dancing small ones are trying to hold heaven on their palms,
Leaves incurved are kept the prints of sight -
Those dwelling in a shell later unfold in bosom at night…

None is in the room but no limits for ‘might’,
Lady, transformed into waltz, now herself transforms hooks
Into breathing-outs – so silently apples are falling.

And smell of new silk velvet in angel’s grand opera theatre
Reminds me days in May when we were happy – transparent and exceeding.

This Church of May, its subtle columns like notes
For the orchestra, playing its Sunday sacred hymns in the park
With statures of Aphrodite and Dionysus.

René Magritte World

Friday, February 22, 2008

George Macdonald the Sufi?

Reading G. MacDonald's The Diary of an Old Soul, wandering across the sea with him and through his passion, his feelings, realations with God, his love appeal and cry, I felt he was a deep mystic, and I remembered one little but pretty good article of R. M. Rilke I came across last year in Internet. Sometimes there's also something they both have from the Sufi:

Thy fishes breathe but where thy waters roll;
Thy birds fly but within thy airy sea;
My soul breathes only in thy infinite soul;
I breathe, I think, I love, I live but thee.
Oh breathe, oh think,--O Love, live into me;
Unworthy is my life till all divine,
Till thou see in me only what is thine.

(G. Macdonald. The Diary. January, 5)

"Rilke knew the meaning of the hidden heart. I first came across the German poet while i worked at Bookworm in Lampeter, 2003. I had a lot of time to fumble through the titles. “Book of Hours: Love Poems to God”, jumped out to me immediately, although it was a good three months later before i opened her. I guess i was little skittish, like a new lover i was somewhat scared of the intensity i felt over a title.

i loved the idea of ‘love poems to god’ - they make god somewhat intimate, secret and close - a picture of the divine or the world i much preferred to the Judaic Patrician

You, God, who live next door-
If at times, through the long night, i trouble you
with my urgent knocking-
this is why; i hear you breathe so seldom..
..As it happens, the wall between us
is very thin, Why couldn’t a cry
from one of us
break it down? It would crumble

Rilke the Sufi?

When i first read Rilke i was struck by his emotionally honest descriptions of a spiritual heart. He yearns for God like an ardent lover, and seeks in some of his poems to be overcome by his God like a mystic

..May what i do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back,
the way it is with children
then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepending tides moving out, returning,
i will sing you as no one ever has,
streaming through widening channels
into the open sea.

For me the poet captures the dark twilight world of the heart beautifully: his earlier work is often in the form of metaphors and symbols - which are more like snapshots of memory. The ideas they seek to express are difficult, immense, sometimes contradictory - a lot like the stumbling of our own hearts when trying to feel their way forward. The rhyme and sense of a Rilke poem is consistent with an inner landcape of pictures, which just throw things together, never answering, just questioning what the truth could be in amongst these difficult visions.

Reaching, these hands would pull you out of the sky
as if you had shattered there,
dashed yourself to pieces in some wild impatience.
What is this I feel falling now,
falling on this parched earth,
like a spring rain?

Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, February 21, 2008


“Thou shalt love the L-rd thy G-d”

The poem beneath is written just after hearing words from this Messianic Liturgy, words, that I did not understand but I recognized them, letters and sounds, with all my previous lives. But the song, which is in English so beautiful and simple one, like lullaby, music of new age, meditative and comforting, berceuse… it so special feeling, when the Children of God sing for themselves... This way they serve liturgy for themselves in their Church of the Love of God, with their little hands and birds. Everybody around murmurs: "He did not come... Hush!" But they do not believe...

With Thy spear-hand, O Lord Thee created the Universe,
With all your heart, with all your Son,
From obedient and wise letters and sounds
You've made Thy Wor(l)d.

May Thy hand be upon us o Lord?
Like dove may it be?

Breathing gently and nesting:
“You shall love your neighbour as yourself”.

Or did You forget anything to tell?

Hands, cupped gently, obedient and wise,
fingers whisper: "Adonai…"

And Thy Unutterable name, o Jesus...

The song from video and these words of St. Clement beneath have, as it appears to me, the music of longing, of faith of the same colours, of the same tender high tones … The flight of dove. I love these words from Charles William’s “New Christian Year” and remember them at the threshold of the night:

“God gives us many things in which He has Himself no part: being Himself self-existent, He gives us a beginning of existence; being Himself exempt from want, He gives us nourishment; Himself always the same, He gives us growth; Himself immortal and exempt from old age, He gives us a happy old age, and a happy death”.

St. Clement: Stromata

Mystery of Letters

The intriguing study of the Hebrew letters explores the wondrous
world of hidden meanings in the letters and words of the
Sacred Tongue. The fire which burns in these ancient letters
is a Divine creative force through which G-d reveals Himself to man.
Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson takes the reader into this realm of
splendor where even the very form of each letter has profound significance.
The relationships between the letters, their sequence,
the Kabalistic concepts inherit in various words and phrases
are all examined and elucidated in Rabbi Glazerson's books.
Drawing on the precepts of the Holy Torah and on the
wellsprings of the sages teachings throughout the ages,
Rabbi Glazerson brings to the listener and reader the hidden beauty of this world .

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"For the letter kills but the Spirit gives life."

One can see that letters have might and powers we are involved into from this phrase. And we are pushed from all the sides to go to some beyond... and we will be open to some new world... where Spirit gives life through them... Otherwise, is there any other source, giving freedom from the law of gravitation?

Ale , an equestrian and a bird, but also your name rustles in the wind, a flowering tree, yo zakura, shimmering with silence but such A Life within. Unutterable name and breathing…

Monday, February 18, 2008


Coffee houses - Italian, American, romantic jaunty cafes and simple
French café, café 'ink' – oh, dwellings of airy souls!
Café where people live, for no any other place to live for them.

Millions of strokes and passages conceal themselves inside of these café-towers:
Towards, along them so many bodies rush, leaving the smoke of cigars on the walls of the tunnels.

Café-tower consists of bodies, sinewy and tender, impetuous and smooth like satin ribbon.
Oh, if only once these chords could cross! Alas.

This coffee cup under my fingers, vibrating with its hospitality, small and open like a shell. I go further. Further and further upright the vertical mines, where nymphs and butterflies are singing their songs by silver and lunar voices.

I see there Maria Magdalena and Beatrice, two girls are playing catch – they vindicate reclaimless ones and they awake.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Life for Adam

There was such a warm and bright afternoon, breezing with some new sparkling Words: future and ... some unutterable name. The day when Adam was lying under the Tree in the Garden teeming with visible and invisible Life, remembering the chasing of stray flames of lights they happily finally caught with Him. Oh He…. Adam dreamt so much to be like Him… His manner of speaking, His silence, His far and always close eyes… Oh how he would like to do something pleasant for him to surprise….

He was lying under the Tree when suddenly he heard some noise between branches… (I need to say that it was not a typical tree we use seeing now, it was big and cosmic tree, and Adam, without any desire to mock, I must say, was much more impressive than his sons nowadays). Thus he lifted up his eyes and saw a great precious stone falling from the top of the Tree. Was it a small planet or some star? They were floating here and there around the universe he was granted by Him… and there was nothing special in that one little stone at the first sight. But now this was lying, shimmering with joy in front of him and without any doubts (though of course Adam didn’t not know any doubts at all) it longed to be revealed and wanted to be disclosed and free from the laws of gravitation.

“Who are you?” there were the words Adam murmured at the first time in the ambience of new magic presence.

“I am Life” , there was an answer, and in the next moment a marvellous Creature appeared before Him. “I am a fruit of the tree of Life, I am your Life, I am Eve”, the sounds teemed like music and Adam stretched his hand to touch the new universe that just had been born upon his hidden desire… Her name itself was like a sweet and magic music.

He suddenly felt that he had been waiting for this meeting as if it was his Life, as if it somehow came from him… from his body…. Oh he should run to Him immediately and tell him about this precious Stone-Eve, about something that was coming from Eve radiated with such a joy! But things and events in the Garden were seen from every corner and for all…So in the glory of the birth of Eve, the angels started singing "Halleluiah", praising Him, wondering and surprising more and more…

“I have also another name, she said. Amidst the crown of the Tree where I lived, they often called me Love playing with letters and meanings. I know who you are. You are the Son of my God, whose name is so marvellous”.

Adam came to Eve and took her hand. That was the meeting of two systems of imagination, when dream of God and Adam was embodied into One.

“I, Love, You too ” said Adam practicing with new combinations of the letters and their positions, and suddenly he was speared by the light of the Precious Stone, Eve was smiling and he recognized the sense of Life.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


It is a miracle indeed – how the man appeared.

There was no special plan. It was the miracle. God created Adam from a word: first, in the beginning, yes, God was writing some Big and Holy Book (was It Bible? No, I think it was some another Book, but really the Bible is the reflection of that First One), where He described the sky and the earth, the grass and the birds and other poems. He wanted that beautiful Book about trees and stars for Himself/Themselves to be pleased… But suddenly (well, you writers know how characters appear in front of you, on the pages: you don’t expect them at all, or even do not need, whereas Someone else suddenly starts beating a tattoo on the door. You have to stand up and go to open the door to let the visitor come into your space. So that way Adam arrived. Thus from the very beginning it was the Word in the Book, or better to say – alive letters for hol(l)y and blood. (Oh I forgot to say: it was an Alive Book. Because all the God created was alive). But Adam went further on, from the pages into some magic creation unfolded more and more in front of his eyes.

So God allowed life for Adam, the same life God Himself knows. The events, the numbers – all got the power to be real. One mystery upon another. Letters, received mercy, began to play with each other, creating the world we try to perceive.

Now I feel I will be able to write later today about the Fall, but first about Life and Adam...

Friday, September 01, 2006


Heart of Jesus in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells the fullness of divinity.

Jesus, the Son of Virgin Mary...

How beautiful these words, how rainbowling; each is a sparkle ball, I roll and wash over them and they paint themselves in front of my eyes, within, somehow in a new straight-up manner, and finally almost in some feminine manner like the murmuring of the clock as Orwell wrote of clocks, each minute sounds from their clock's mouth alike - but how one minute, hour occurs colored - grievely and oh! sunny - under the same accompaniment of wall type dimmer. Maybe O God, maybe this is the most comfortable instrument for emigrants like we are in your Land in Yours Sion, till we trespass the Kingdom (is it possible?) by our will, like me, for I feel myself an emigrant in Heaven, and these words "Jesus, the Son of Virgin Mary" I dare to leaf as my book-guide.

Even the sparrow has found a house, and the swallow, a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young: Thy altars, o Lord of Hosts, my King and My God. (Ps. 83)

My longing for Your altar brought me here to the threshold of Your House without any hope for surviving in another reality but King David did dream even though of it... it was his despair when he said this, I see it now, for this state of mind is emigration, but being alone its is not pleasant, though all around here are so gentle and kind to you as if it was your family.

And I dive again into these Jesus, the Son of Virgin Mary - I passionately catch these crumbs from your Altar, O Lord, and they move me on.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Intense Patronage

What a liturgy It was today.

I can utter only this - ahh!

The anointment if each succesor to the throne takes place in the Cathedral of Assumption before these sacred images - the Holy Mother and the Christ child.

Thank you for the feather of the Fire bird.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Under Your Wings O Lord I abide and expect

1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.
6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

Husbandman - it was a little like a discovery for me as I thought these are the different professions: one is grain-grower and another is the videdresser, as these are given in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible that I read together with the Russian one at home. I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser (John, 15-1).

But it is just a headnote because today is very special day for me indeed!..

My own secret Initiation into that is above from Bible, John, 15-1.

Yesterday before writing and sending a letter I had prayed with hot tears asking my Lord to open me the path from that ditch where I was lieing almost really half-dead.

And I started reading all the Liturgy text as it had been my praying rule.

And when I came to the point of reading Gospel - I breathed in sharply as if the next moment I would jump into the deep cold waters of the sea (space).

That act/jump differed from reading Bible at ramdom for a case (maybe this is not a good method at all I think but sometimes when all is well we might do this?) as immediately I caught the tale of the thread between God presence in that moment in the room and myself, praying and needing...

Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

And having read till up the 11 verse in the15th head, I felt how the breath was interrupted as if it was enough to stay under water without oxygen, and I came up gulping for air. I articulately penetrated the sense of it for me, for us Christians, how it is and could be the message through time (though all things within time from God direct to the main purpose and they, of course, are not separated) before the Last Supper where and when our Lord Jesus Christ first opens the practical meaning and form of what He began to speak in the 15th chapter of the Gospel of St. John.

I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.

If a man does not abide in me he is cast forth as a branch and withers... If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples.

Reading or somehow even listening to these words yesterday I made a rapid question somewhere between the gaps of the full attention and perсeption (how?).

Today I have got already heard (heard - better to say was directed for action)the answer (specially for me as to the stupidest one) - Through Liturgy. Liturgy - this journey to Kingdom is the actualization first and foremost of what how to be administered into the Vine. And the three parts (first 2 and then the 3d, the most inportant where, without any doubts, only baptized elements of the person assist) of the Liturgy are moving towards the final transubstantiation - thus we leave the withered branches in ourselves, the branches that are yet without true Wine and in this manner are fruitless, to those which are baptized in Blood of Christ and abided - thus they become accepted and homologated into/for Kingdom. Waters of Liturgy are washing all, and maybe more those who (which are prepared to be fruitful) are yet without but with hope and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. All the earth is prepared to enter the kingdom, and where the first elements have already being traveled into while the rest are prepared through hope and beauty. All agency is reigned by the Holy Spirit Who presents now outside the Kingdom (I will send the Holy Spirit to help you) to lead the created elements to their fullfiment: that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be perfect.

Though it is just a short description of that comprehension and presence in the air and life of that liturgy leading to the gate of the kingdom, the liturgy of your spirit which you make at and as home prayer is not easy tranferable at all, and I do hope no one finds here elements of magical practice or whatever but only a desire to understand and serve, and be with Christ, inside of Vine, of Church.

May as One, Your Wings o Lord, your Vine and Sacred Blood protect us in the Battle...

Abide in Me and I in You...John 15:4

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fidelity versus imagination

A mirror spumed with Luna’s golden waves. Pieces of paper floating across the big and light room - themselves like rain and birds -

Untamed youth

Frail hand
Confused by strange demand by wind and stone

Mute simplicity of goose


The bell at the strings end of winter is lost
Water on oak, rough gale

Even the notes I made in the end of the book
Have fallen apart

Lost at the end
For memory or reading glass

window is wide open and the wind figures out its never-ceased steps,

Names upon the harp:

Today is Matthew Fluharty and Ted Hughes ‘Birthday Letters’ yesterday and then, its tomorrow – my waves, measuring the depth and longitude direction of sublunar sphere –

black starry nights and crying stones are thawed by the shadows of took off cedars

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Transformed mirror

For to him who has will be more given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. (Matthew 13, 12)

Who are they? Those who have and who have not?
You are both.

What do we have? We have something that is hidden, the treasure. And what we take as read is the world of seemings which indeed we have not, and this - will be taken away.

That which is/was true will be given in abundance whereas the lie, which really we have not as our possession, this right to retain this "possession'' will be taken as the gilt off the gingerbread.

The interleave lies not between but inside. There is only one world which God is centupling - His own. His own, in all nature of things as He is the beginning of them. He is/was not the beginning of the Father of Lies. But He always comes off with flying colours over the world of emptiness - "but from him who has not" - even if in time we live as for granted - this will be taken away as something that is fruitless.

How and where does the fertility of that one who has been granted absolution give the benifit of his/her days and nights?

"And we all with unveiled face, (open like in a mirror) beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness, from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Cor 3, 18)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

On Deeds Inspired by Love

From Imitation of Crist by Thomas a Kempis

by John J Crawely
New York, p. 33-34

While evil may never be done for anything in the world, and therefore never for love of any man, yet, to help someone in need a good work should sometimes be omitted, or rather, a better one done in its place; for by so doing, the good work is not lost, but merely changed into better one. Without charity the work itself is of no spiritual value; but whatever is done out of charity, be it ever so small and seemingly worthless, becomes wholly fruitful. For God considers no somuch what is done, as why it is done...

Often what has the apperance of being done out of charity is really done from wordly motives; natural inclinations, self-will, hope of reward and other forms of self-interest are hard to exclude.

Whoever has true and perfect charity is never self-seeking but desires only that God's glory be served in all things...

Close the door on youself and invite Jesus

Behold I stand at the door and knock...
Revelation 3:20

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Servant of the Lord

Oh my Lord, I cannot say nothing any more…

Reading the old testament books I always knew when there was something of you… I immediately knew it… I heard some uncreated music – each time – it can’t be mixed up with something else – it sounded like the certain voice – a little strange for our ear might be – but no, it was tuned for a person could hear – like MF waves? But we are not able to hear the waves themselves – we hear things wondering within them… Each time the prophets allude you - my heart fades out and the lines starts singing by themselves:

This is my favourite song:
1 "Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him
and he will bring justice to the nations.
2 He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;

4 he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth.
In his law the islands will put their hope."

(Isaiah, 42, 1-4)

John came and they cut his head.

Jesus came – he was saying nothing, he was saying nothing… heigh-ho he could so long ago give them all so final lick with the rough side of the Tongue to bend their wicked neck.

But no! but…no: the law… the prophecy? The love and obedience to Father? To people?

A bruised reed he will not break…

You said nothing for all they did with you…. But you could destroy all that collection of undesirables by one sight for so many times!!! (mystery? You have known the price of the human blood).

Your eyes – they were divine – they were the eye of God, who is seeing and hearing by Himself - You granted people with new eyes but they you left their the still small voices.

How did you veil them not to radiate so strong through all the universe?.. But they just didn’t know a Universe – so how they could be transilluminated?.. Should I have compassion on them? Should I? Ought to? No.

Withdraw me my Lord! I will never be capable. To accept their norms of life and happily-unhappily fabricated guilds of monsters!


‘Let me better wash your dirty feet and your dirty steps … that you may enter the Kingdom…’

Behold my Lord, please - When one wants to clean a room – he understands what is/was the dead in his/her life and tell his/her servant to threw away all this rubbish, doesn’t he/she? Why needs to go on scavenging to be free away from it? Just they do not want to say the whole cancerous 'truth' – they do not want to release from all that smiling stuff. If I need to clean my room I say to my servant and he will throw away all I told him to do… Indeed Israel doesn’t know such faith… To my 'Servant'...

No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." (John, 13, 8)

What is here? The psychology?

Why, tell me, why people find pleasure in scavenging of their sins? Why they need to face and face into the cold meat of their past? I have only one answer: If they don’t allow the “SERVANT’ clearing their room from it then something wrong with them…. They are seeking for some their own purpose in all the process … not God’s… but some their own business.

Withdraw me my Lord!

Then need the corresponding liar-prophet – which they have already got – they are so worry of this person - and draw for me this their fabrication as their inner gest- they have for them both – I feel sick from this deux cancer for soo looong. If they are happy (or not so much) with false prophets – please why should I be under their wooden saw for all these years? And let it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for them (Matthew 11-22)

Babylon land. I was staying there for 70 years, and they asked me to sing out for them on harps – our melodies they wanted to be heard in their land… they were sneering at us, their shoulder loops on the coats and their girls smiled… And it was physically painful for us to hear their songs – they have some unsound Aeolian mode with changing tunes from one into another after definite steps: for example – for this tune they have strong variety of steps while for Dark Ages mode they changed it into mere a I step – just one step – but o gosh how false that ring was! Either their ears didn’t hear it or they themselves were apt just for ‘namely’ this type of music. Thus, every occupational group deserves its prophet, even if it’s a false prophet.

Recall me, o Lord to your music I hear so often – even now…

They say - O Lord - for so often - but to Whom do they return their faces? They never turn face to You - though You told them about your readiness to be with them always! Servant of the Lord... as they want to be Masters by their own breed and do things by themselves while they have You. They strive for their own...

10Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
(John, 13)

Each time I heard the special music - it was the sound of some another language – traces of Fire Tongues …I heard in the wind…

2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
I will say to the north, 'Give them up!'
and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'
Bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the ends of the earth-

This is what the LORD says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"For your sake I will send to Babylon
and bring down as fugitives all the Babylonians,
in the ships in which they took pride.

(Isaiah, 43, 1-6)

All that whole night my eyes were fountains of tears. Redeem them all, grant them all with what they all do desire so much, my Lord!

and let me, I do beg YOU, 'during their joint lives', stay in our music. To be out of that false land of their 'Beloveds'.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Test tubes and Vacancy

Thus he popped outright everyone anytime and everywhere without difference in sex and ethnic background by all accessible methods. More or less typical males behavior. Such amiability and gentilesse in some, say, reasonable extent of all sides of the nature of a gentleman, in order to be accepted as the best buck, was a wide spread among people of the last centuries. For instance Alexander Pushkin named this phenomenon ‘to lie with women’. In former times it was more acceptable by the societies – it depends only what society it was. Now the society is more pretended than it was say, in the 19th century, though they had their own tsuris.

All right then - wonderful! And what happened?

Frankly speaking I don’t understand whether he is going to change anything or not. But you know I am better. Really. Thank you, my Lord.

Its me indeed who have fucked him with this my love and he didn’t know how to get off back from me… he said ‘no’ for so many times, and in so many ways, nothing could help … but today we have a ‘wonderful’ game – he is a ‘common woman’, me is a ‘wounded husband’. Indeed feeling myself like at the surgery department - you of course know what happens with me under the sights of suppuration – I simply pass out immediately. Really. I can do dirty work, like other have to sometimes, but its so hard for me. I could immolate etc – but as much as my physical ability bear it: in childhood one day the parents brought the fresh fish at home from some journey – and they with guests sailed into the room having asked me to scale that fish (it was still alive) – I started – I was scaling for some time with horror, pouring with tears, my heart was bleeding – but in a few minutes after such our with poor fish execution I fainted – they came running terribly frighten, with words – oh dear why you didn’t tell us, that you can’t do that! We would not ask you to do this!! Indeed after it they would not. But how I was melting with their behavior that evening – as if they saw their child at the first time. I should not blame them and I do not - that such things I have to do because of circumstances I go through very deeply – not only at a mental level or some what it is commonly used as the sense of compassion – but at some my physiological level. Truly. It was always. Many other things…of various fields. Or when a girl at one hospital one day I had to stay in queue near an adult man who had something with his hand – it was all covered with something like ‘plague’ spots – and no one was interested how it was for the rest – I fell in a dead faint in a minute on the stone floor. Again all was frighten. I know there are sisters of mercy working in Africa – but O God, I know my limits – there are things I can bear but there are ‘such’ – I just can not. I can follow my husband to prison for time he needs, but if there are constant offscum and drubbing I just can not survive – not in the sense ‘oh such life is not for me’ – physically and spiritually I am ready for many hard things – but my perception of some another alive forms of life – this is something another… this is something which is out of my control – it commands – what areas, smells or pictures, it agrees to admits and in what doses but what, sooner or latter, if the source of blow-up doesn’t stop its evaporation, it just extrudes in the form it removes me from the sphere of life there. How much I can be compassionate to people or fish there. Structural test? Who performs it? God? Really?

With the family life relations the problem is that there are people who fallen in a dirty pool by mistake then get up, wash themselves and go their way further. Of course its no easy, to forget but the intention at least to do this but not to remain there must be the leading. But if a person continues sitting gladly in his dirty pool sending you with a test tube to make test from the water of the pool. Saying: " Hey Bill, hurry up and make the test of this shit I am in with all these umm my no, no, I dislike them, but good enough (damn, how sexy they are all!) girls and boys! But you run up there and come back as soon as possible with the results because I am getting sicker from it more and more for some reason!" And leaves traces that can lead others to these our films etc? Why you don’t leave this shit without probe sampling? May be the answer is in that you just like being there and you really do not see what you do?. Then what we are discussing at all? Go on and be happy: 'Creativity and amenity' as a motto, and the University court is surely supposed to offer you all the excuse.

But I am thank him for this open dialogue as never before. Though what I am able to understand with my brains from all that so rich stuff, is that he is so careful of me – even now – to cry over the wall "dear! I do not match you, and you do not match me! Can't you see this?" If all his efforts with ‘no’ were sinking in my pool of tears, then maybe this ‘no-sword’ finally occurs more effective and I can congratulate him with his success.

But speaking of people’s realization I understand that not immediately, not at once –but if person really gets this gift of love to another – he changes. He at least start changing something that mingles him, or from what he feels himself outgrowing. If you know or feel that someone (even no matter how close to you) suffers from it then do you what? wig out from it? Is this the way of bringing and getting joy for you? This sounds so emotional or something but its true, I know it from my own experience – one day I told him that when he really would fall in love one day, he would know it by the simple fact – he would transfigure. Maybe I will never know this. But it doesn’t matter. And the point is not in my broken heart, or another future for us both – but today I have passed through the same simple truth I have been hewing passage through for these years – whatever he said (more he himself confessed that his words means nothing (?!)) or emotional dance – the truth in that I have got this gift of love to him, and it is my reality (it, for instance is capable to change and transform all things around me, without even my involving or exerting any of efforts sometimes), but he continues playing (he is a master!). He will go on listening what his friends will be thinking of me or of any other girl (no matter – until he meets his real love – its no matter who she/he is and how much are her/his virtues – fallen world of shadows – what is the difference in the behavior?) or advise, you may ask - doesn’t he have his own mind or heart? No, all this ‘common place’ stuff fits him as long as - he is vacant. Unoccupied of this gift. I think its we who ask of this gift from Him. We even sometimes do not understand what we are asking about in our the deepest and the most sincere prayer…. I have learned that God always answers - for what you ask. Today I know that He answered for my prayer. Didn’t God desire me to be happy and whole? Or was that a blackmail from my side, when you at start begin something that will never hit stride up to your real needs?

Who knows in what our day is? I have sinned in my life, was so cruel with people who loved me and cared of me – but if his so horrible behavior maybe I would never see mine - I have lamented my penance (and still desire its clear light and open conversation with God). My father always was indignant with my so stick-at-it-ive behavior – when I demanded things immediately and no matter what I wanted – he always tried to fulfill all my desires – little ones? Maybe but he realized that in this field there would be a big problem sooner or later…besides all of my life I was so lazy to move hand or foot to improve something in my life. But we are indeed alike: he with this effeminacy in all he is doing - he can do only things I/he like(s). In masculine nature he is so diligent and operose in his – oh no, stop my heart, stop.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I knew only that there is nothing more irritating for a soul, than a limitless and devoted love of a person whose 'such' love we are so 'unworthy'.

When a person says about incapacity for love with some one - this IS the end - because its just the polite manner (even not to hurt onself) of saying - "How I am tired from your love and all your being! I would be so free and happy without YOU! Let I even fail with my dear friend, (you don't know her like me - she is wonderful and so dear for me) but I dream today of the future coming and in this future there will no a person with denunciative looks etc. There will not be a person who remembers my bad behaviour and what is the most important there will no the person who had to fogive me... for my unfaithfulness. My Infidelity was a concious act - I met a person of my real dream, not you, but humble, and simple and interesting from all sides. Just I need something another where I will be more succesful and right...and less wrong, more attentive to my needs, kind, speakable, a good prayer and oh how many virtues she has against you".

We do want to keep our 'past'face before that person, to keep may be something that could some tail of the passing train for him (this is our little farwell present)
that we just have to say worser about ourselves, (nothing for us indeed but so much for another) than to say openly the truth.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Le Printemps by Millet Jean Francouis....and Breton. And art of life in the reality of 'un refus courtois'. Oh sorry, yes, Sisley of course too. People can be mistaken, and this is not a sin. Corteous abandoning, declinature - it is what is so hard for people to do - maybe it would help me if I could live with what how it is for God?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Orestes - a hero or a madman?

My dear Musing Eurediche was so frighten with my yesterday 'birthday' that tried to confort me with some play. I can say - she succeded. Here is a our interview.

(The Street noice of a big city)

M. E. Excuse me, can you share a few minutes of your valuable time, madam, with me?

P. Yes, but if you are not very proud of your business! (laughing)

E. Hm, all right. I won’t be very. It’s a poll for “An Ideal Husband” program. Are you married?

P. No, I am divorced.

E. Do you, did you intend to be married again?

P. No.

E. But you are so womanly, don’t you really seek for a person you could be together each moment in your life? If anyway you dream of it, what virtues you would expect from your husband and what you could give in return?

P. (pause) OK. I would say the modernity of love life, even virtual, isn’t my fair but I will say. First when you say “I want this and that, because I can give this and that” and “He must, ought to, or be so marvelous if, give this or that’ – in the idea itself of such discussion you agree with some the most incorrect thing existing. When you let yourself such ‘preposition’ you put yourself on one scale whereas on the another there will be not your ‘ideal husband’ – but some another comparing entity. Either being virtual or idealized or simplified but compared and limited led to the bow before another who would bring, could give ‘this or that unthinkable treasures’. You following this path fall into the trap of comparison, to this sin of modernity completely independent from love and having nothing in common with God. With any forms of comparison you are allowed compare your partner within all layers of life and sense. An accepting the formulations you let mislead you with the supposition of an existing some big board where you ‘can’ put your wonderful half, your poor creature with a row of some another people. This is a very bad manner of thinking and acting but alas – people do this… you complete fail in all cases. Such equation, such modeling deprive a person –his/her personality
The socialistic manner of its vicious ‘being’. I could not understand only one thing – how such things can have success in the countries of EC? Comparison is a slant, a bias, a sin produced its other subsidiaries – envy, malice, hate etc. I would say there is nothing is more sinful like this virtual ‘equal rights’ and comparison.

E. Oh I can resume that you are very good at giving reasons why you do not want to speak about you possible marriage… But would you think that a comparison have also its good frame – well, the competition, for example? Eh?

P. I think, comparison is never a challenge or encouragement while the completion might sponsor. In completion the person can reveal his/her talents…

E. In what way?

P. By God’s putting tasks in your everyday life – and more in all dimensions – God by Himself reveals your gifts one by one and you open them all in from of Him. But comparison is settled by people and for their own egoistic purposes – speaking of males the breach of faith often finds its deep roots in the Orestes complex – a desire of the son to kill his mother etc. Well but its already become boring when a matter touches the psychology area I sleep as if the night comes. (Laughing)

E. Don’t like Psychology? Emm me too… but speaking of comparison could you admit that your ‘husband’, well just as an idea, can wait from you some interest in competition?

P. Again, yes, regarding competition I have no objections – but I have against its modern surrogate. In church for instance people are often invited to some groups where the immeasurable love of God discussed – so immeasurable that nearly blur out all distinctions – and stupid people gladly apply this to their private live practice etc.

E. Well, well, well, its just an interview, isn't it? However its so interesting to speak with you – though you are like from the Greek mythology, one of Erinyes? (smiling). Will you let me some another interview some day anyway?

P. Will you come with all editorial staff and free-lance translators with their pocket-size tape recorderes? Feel yourself absolutely free!

E. Oh thank you, thank you ever so much!

Poor Orestes....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A lion has roared! Who will not fear?

A lion has roared! Who will not fear? Or also there is no smoke without fire, I would say.

Some people, like poor Chelentano may chop woods – I have no ax, and no fireplace so lacking of chopping woods, and besides I am a woman, I read Bible. Go on reading Bible. Prophets Amos, Michah, Nahum, Habakkuk. Was thinking of this lion roar for the third day. Amos 3. Indeed its true – a lion roars before the prey – a wonderful formula. After doing a little labour, have found an interesting site today:

1. (1-2) God’s love and care for Israel makes their judgment unavoidable.

Hear this word that the LORD has spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.”
2. (3-6) The inescapable logic of God’s judgment.

Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth, where there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth, if it has caught nothing at all? If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it?

a. Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? In this section, Amos connects six statements that are obvious true. In our manner of speaking he might have said, “Is the Pope Catholic?”

b. If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it? The six statements of the obvious lead into a seventh statement, each one reinforcing this final point. When judgment comes against the cities of Israel, everyone should know that it was the LORD who has done it. It won’t be an accident, fate, or “bad luck.” It will be the hand of the LORD.

Yes, all all my people of Israel should know His will – all parts of all my ‘bodies’, inners and outers should follow His

And love this!

3. (7-8) The inevitable message of the prophet.

Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?

Amos is saying, “Don’t blame me. I’m only the messenger.” As natural as it is for a man to fear when a lion roars, that is how natural it is for the prophet to prophesy when the Lord GOD has spoken.

Though the site gives some another meaning – I noticed that my methodology of reading the Bible is not fallacy – more I can open so many doors here as if I have some golden key…

If so many doors are open in your absence – oh how many I would have had in your presence.

Monday, May 29, 2006

To fire man

Things I am so tired of: absence, jelousy, lie, numbers
Things I both desire and am afraid of: presence, making love, home internet, words

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

On 'mode of immobile being'

How is the immobile time living? How does it correlate with the Heart? Maybe when I feel it as immobile sense it gets then a chance for God to give a taste of quality? In silence and prayer, in my everyday delivery your will is being revealed…After taste…

The word theatre shares the same root as the word theory. Theoria means 'to look at attentively'

But when applied?

An idea is an image. Unlike the other senses of smell, touch and taste. There does appear to be a complicated relationship between sight and language. But smell doesn't appear to share quite the same press coverage. For others it is a sense without an image. The ability to visualize something internally is closely related to the ability to describe it verbally. Verbal and written descriptions create highly emotive images. The link between vision, memory and verbalization can be quite startling. As smell has a hidden agenda.

I love the smell of my skin – and you? Are you able to hear this simple confession of nature?

'Too much for love', he said...

Today all this 'belongs to a sphere beyond tragedy’. A sphere of 'tears-in-a-bottle' mobile being... Only once in my life I heard the smell of that conjugated with the smell of mine. Though in a distance it was but enough to rejoice with hope! I understand and concede that mind could be mistaken but the nature of a woman? This unconscious but eternal act of accepting or escape given through the traces of the deepest story of previous and future worlds? This code to the Other which only your only-begotten being is able to watch?

The smell of my skin, the smell of wind and morning, the smell of river and white flowers, the smell of milk and I do not know what it could for you, which always feels itself at home even with a guest... with my favourite French perfume. The smell of freedom and hope that naturally inbound with my Persephone.

Sometimes she writes letters. Here is one in style of Stern.

"Dear Alois,

Only you were not raving for such things. When you cut my head off with this favourite (since what time?) 'gosh' (never could see how people can recall this?)and then can not realize the fact how it is possible for one person to have so much blood flowing after your intended open desire just to kill. You never could understand about my silence from time to time? How, tell me, how a person could articulate or write something when you cut masterly, all his/her fingers, one by one, with what should I have been writing? With the tongue or toes? Yes? Sorry, no, dear I prefer more traditional modes of affair. With hands, fingers, smiles, kisses, flowers and scented letters.

You do not admire with such things like the smell of skin or something. Today you feel yourself so offended because of the fact your last playmate kept silence for so long? How you cannot understand, my dear boy, that if you kill the lady – she is not able to reply anymore. Its not beautiful of course, but so simple truth. All the dead ladies, whom you call the ‘gators’, have the same smell. And speaking of wonderful Christmas jokes, no doubts there are many jokes about butchers who are dreaming themselves as gifted vegetarians.

Faithfully yours,

P. S. "Lord make me a channel of your peace
When I am depressed show me compassion
and do it with ease.
Let me see that there is more in life then just me
Fill me to the brim and only mercy let me see".

From Nancy

Friday, May 19, 2006

Old and ever wise Enlightenment

"A man often believes he is leading when he is [actually being] led; while his mind seeks one goal, his heart unknowingly drags him towards another."

"In all aspects of life, we take on a part and an appearance to seem to be what we wish to be [seen as]--and thus the world is merely composed of actors."

François de La Rochefoucauld